Her crust and Her topography;
Her water, Her air;
Her soil, stones, mountains, deserts, forests and plains,
Her volcanoes, vents, whirlpools, crevasses and caves,
Her people who walk, fly, crawl, slither and swim;
The consciousness that moves among all sentient beings and forms.
As we seek to shift from the destructive path of humans to the creative pattern of the new time, these Livestreams enliven, enrich and fill the field with love and gratitude to Earth,
in reciprocal flow, so that we may reawaken and remember
that we are living on a sacred planet at a sacred time.
Love heals. Sound organizes matter.
The sounds enter Earth's bioenergetic field to nourish and sustain Her.
Through love and sound, we choose to connect worldwide.
Everyone is welcome.
Please invite as many people as you like and as many as possible.